Windsor School at the opening in November 1953. It was not finished. The “bombed block” is shown in the inset. It was bombed in 1944. A fence went round the front field blocking off the future chapel, maths and art block, as well as the bombed block. The newly built assembly hall is middle left. This picture from May 1954.

The “bombed block” being rebuilt. Geoff McPate, one of the “Originals” took this photo in 1954. Displaced persons, mostly Poles, had been living in the two wings. Once completed the block held the sick bay on the top floor, Balmoral House on the middle floors and the Staff Mess on the ground floor closest to the sports field.

The original teachers designed the badge incorporating elements from Windsor in the UK, BAOR and the crest of Mark (the location of the school). The original badge was updated in 1961 when the school split. “Concordia” came from a brooch one of the teachers was wearing.

It did not take long for an enterprising pupil to send the school badge to the Rover comic!. This from 1954. The badge featured three more times in the following decade.

The original badge

Saturday 10 July 1954, the formal opening. Headmaster Aspinall with Sir Richard Gale, Commander in Chief BAOR. Gale was the first of many senior military visitors throughout the schools´ history. WPB Aspinall was headmaster until 1958, moved briefly to Cyprus and returned to BFES as headmaster of Queen´s School until 1970. He served in Military Intelligence during the war (Lt Col) and was awarded the OBE for his work.

It rained for the opening but the formal parade of Scouts and Guides still took place.

Mid 1950s and the skiffle craze reaches Windsor School. Lance Lupton is sitting to one side: pianist and organist.

A CCF Annual Inspection. Headmaster Aspinall on the left: Mr Wilkerson in navy uniform. The school were surprised to see Lt Wilkerson in a film about the Navy during WW2. Many teachers helped with the CCF and retained their military ranks.