The current European Capitals of Culture programme runs out in 2033. A host of conferences, reports and reviews are looking at its continuation, possibly into the 2040s. It’s strange to think that it is very doubtful if any of the decision makers (the CULT committee of the European parliament and the culture ministers of member states supported by the civil servants at the European Commission) will still be in the same positions in 2034. Current squabbles over the EU budget only take it to 2034 so any funding for a new ECOC programme is well into the long grass.
Here are some areas for debate. I wonder if any will actually be debated, let alone agreed.
Do Nothing. The standard option for every decision. In this case it means allowing the ECOC to end in 2033 with the final three ECOCs hosting a joyous and spectacular closing event (no speeches). Why stop when the ECOC is considered to be the most well known and successful cultural project of the EU? That says more about why the other cultural activities are not as well known after 40 years (honourable exception for the Media support for film makers). Competition between cities is passé; a view held by many and not just those on the far left of cultural policy. Collaboration is the way forward. Over 100 European cities are members of the various UNESCO Creative Cities networks; 52 have recently signed up to the Eurocities Lille Call to action on sustainable culture. A failure of the ECOC programme is the lack of a thriving network of mayors/directors of culture to share experiences, even decades after their year in the spotlight. The ECOC “family” is ad hoc and Culture Next a sound meeting place for candidates but neither work at the decision levels in cities. An aside: the University Network of European Capitals of Culture is very active, an often overlooked legacy.
Broaden the geographic scope. OK, so we continue with a programme. So who takes part? The inclusion of cities from candidate (etc) countries has been sound. But every three years is too limited. All candidate (etc) countries should be regular participants. From time to time others can be invited, Ukraine should have been invited earlier. Even the UK may be forgiven (insert preferred emoji).
Scrap the rota. Yes, it is simple to understand, it is “fair”, everyone gets a go… every 14 years or so. Some member states struggle to find candidates; the smaller ones have ever smaller candidates. None of the other seven European Capital titles run by the Commission has a rota, they manage.
ECOC twinning. The Nova Gorica/Gorica Borderless ECOC sets a good example. As the European Dimension is the prime criteria, cities should work in formal pairs. One single bid, bidbook and lead management team running a joint, not parallel, programme. Not the current often weak links with other ECOCs, but a single integrated effort. The city pairs should not to be from neighbouring countries nor in the same language family. We need to respond to this comment in the Economist:
But as Stefan Zweig acknowledged, a supranational club can never command the affection of citizens as a nation can. His own remedy—a rotating European capital with events and festivities to ape national spectacles—eventually came to pass, albeit in diluted form. But the European Capital of Culture, alas, has not yet lifted Europeans to the state of elevated consciousness Zweig hoped for. The enduring tug of national allegiance still provides the best means to mobilise Europeans to action.
We need in these days of existential threats to mobilise as one Europe more than ever. There are national CoCs to promote a national interest. The ECOC thrives on the pan-national Europeaness.
Two tiers. Other European Capital titles have a two tier award; a large city and a smaller city. The European Green Capital for over 100,000 and the Green Leaf award for over 20,000. European Capital of Innovation (250,000+) and Rising Innovative Award (50,000 to 249,999). Why not ECOC? (two tier helps with the no rota option).
Focus the criteria. Reduce to just three:
A: what has the candidate city done for culture in the previous 2 years before the bid? Far more informative than a future cultural policy, many of which are written to tick box in the bid and little happens afterwards. Prevents cities “suddenly” deciding to bid at the last minute. A touch of evidence based rather than relying on promise about a “legacy”. Other EU Capital titles require evidence of action.
B: how will your programme highlight the European Dimension?
The European Dimension is the only rationale for the programme. Right from the start:
ln November 1983, the EC Ministers of Culture had met
for the first time and agreed to a proposal made by the Greek Minister, Melina
Mercouri, that, in order to present a warmer image of the Community, a city should
be designated each year as European City of Culture and its role in European
civilisation be highlighted.
The importance of culture in a city is now well documented and known, unlike in the 1980s. A veritable industry of consultants, academics, conferences, networks etc exists. Member States have their own Capitals of Culture, some even regional capitals. Each city will have its own local priorities, regeneration, audience development, social engineering, place making etc etc. At this polycrisis time, when the EU itself is under threat (culturally, politically, environmentally and militarily) from outside and within (here´s looking at you Hungary) the sole underpinning focus has to be the European Dimension.
C: do you have the governance, management and financial capacity to deliver?
No point for a candidate to fly in a governance and management team from outside only for them to disappear after the year. The financial requirement is also aimed at the ministry of Culture. Too often jobsworth civil servants at the ministry have impeded the distribution of money to the ECOC. A ministry must sign a contract with the Commission before the call to candidates is issued that it will provide funds in annual batches and not seek a project by project justification or other bureaucratic obstacles.
Simplify, Simplify, Simplify……..
Scrap the pre-selection meeting. The selection panel reviews the initial bidbooks and selects a shortlist of no more than 3, preferably just 2. No need for presentation etc. Italy manages its national Capital of Culture competition without one.
Cut the size of the bidbook. 30 pages is adequate. Current 80/100 pages carry far too much non essential bumf which does not influence decisions. 30 pages concentrates the mind.
Transparency and accountability. Publish the bids and monitoring reports from ECOCs; list all external consultants and advisers, require audited accounts every year from selection to the year after ECOC year. Require a report in last six months on funded and approved legacy activity. Return to external evaluation from a consultancy focussing on outcomes not just numbers of events etc.
What about digital and the climate emergency? Yes these are Commission priorities in the next few years but we are looking at 2034 and beyond. By then, if not sooner, bidbooks will be compiled using AI to a standard surpassing even those overseen by the best of ECOC consultancies. Digital culture will be the norm. If the planet is to reach its current targets then 2034 is too late to start. A candidate which has not reduced its emissions from its cultural sector will not qualify for the title.
Well there it is. A few ideas for discussion. I hope the various reviews will concentrate on outcomes and not the process. With a focus on the overriding European objective. My forecast is that the programme will continue, roughly as it is now with a few tweaks here and there but nothing too radical. The energy seems to be directed now to ensure the Creative Europe programme stays in the next budget round (and that it is funded). The EU has far bigger fish to fry at the moment.